What Does the Name Kaylee Stand for

Kaylee is a recently created name and is a combination of Kay and Lee.

― Anonymous User3/1/2020

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I was researching the name Kayleigh because it is my name. It means so many things but in the bible I heard it meant beautiful and that is my favorite!

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My name is Kaylee- my mom's middle name is Kay and my grandpa's middle name is Lee. The name Kaylee means "pure'.

― Anonymous User4/7/2019

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I named my daughter Kaylee. It was a name I decided on in 1963 when I was 13 years old. It is based on the combination of my own middle name Kay, and my best friend who died of cancer when she was very young, whose middle name was Lee. I had never heard the name prior to that time and am surprised at how popular it is now. My daughter is 35 and loves her name.

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Some of these comments are really quite arrogant and rude.
The name Kaylee apparently sounds like "Jelly bean", "Tacky", "Shouldn't be given to anyone past 5 years old", "Not suitable for an adult woman because it's too child like", "Someone with this name will not be taken seriously as an adult" and "The name should die". Some people are really bitter and if anything is horrible, it is the arrogance and ignorance from such opinions here, not the actual name itself.
Here in Britain we don't judge people's abilities merely based on their names.
I will agree with one comment here about people not hearing the pronunciation of Kaylee properly, people often think I say Hayley or Kylie when I say my name is Kaylee, Kaylee's have soft and quiet voices, that is true and it can be very frustrating trying to get your name heard properly. A soft name for a soft person, hardly a coincidence is it?
A name has nothing to do with being taken seriously, it's to do with who is behind the name.

If one dislikes any name so much to the point of hatred, then one has underlying issues with themselves which need addressing, because obviously personal experience and/or the ego are clouding clear thinking.
My name is Kaylee and I am in my late twenties and I will defend this name against narrow minded views, because that's all they are ; narrow minded views without truths. Admittedly this name does sound cute and it does sound young, however that doesn't necessary make it a bad thing. I have been told that I have a cute personality and that my cute name matches my personality. I can't say that I've never not been taken seriously because of my name, that's just delusional, or perhaps bitter jealousy talking here.
Being like a child is how an adult should aspire to be like, because children are innocent, very loving, loyal and honest. They are not corrupted, they see the good in everyone and everything before the bad, they do not tell lies and go out of their way to deliberately hurt others like adults do. A child is how the human soul should be like and how it originally was, so to have a cute child like name is a blessing for oneself, not a curse. Perhaps we should all embrace the innocent child in all of us, and then there wouldn't be so much evil in this world, which is only caused by the corrupted adult ego.
Don't insult something you clearly have no understanding of.
I don't want to have a hard name because that doesn't suit my personality. It is obviously not a coincidence that people are given particular names to match their personalities.

Perhaps people should realize that a name is not just a name, but a name actually carries a deeper meaning which connects spiritually to a particular person.
Kaylee, according to some sources was formed from Chaeli, which was formed from Hebrew Michael or Mi-ke-el which means who is like god, which has connections to Archangel Michael. Chaeli sounds similar to Kaylee and is spelt similar to Michael. There is obviously a distant religious connection to the name Kaylee, however because the first variation is so old and now has many different ways of spelling it, the meaning is surrounded with deep confusion and people think they have the right to make up meanings.
There are far too many ways to spell this name, I agree, but that is not the fault of people who have been given this name, is it?
Some people say the name Kaylee was formed from the Irish dance ceilidh, which also sounds similar to Chaeli but not one single person says the deeper meaning of this word Ceilidh or where this word arose from. Who's to say Ceilidh, the name of this Irish dance meaning social gathering was not formed from Chaeli and Michael? If Kaylee really is formed from Ceilidh, then let's find out what Ceilidh means and why this dance was given this particular name in the first place, even a dance with a name like ceilidh must have a deeper hidden meaning. Where is the common sense among people?
The Hebrew description of Kaylee actually fits my personality perfectly, unlike that of the ludicrous urban dictionary. Kaylee is also an English name, not just American as my mother was not inspired by America to call me Kaylee, it was her intuition which inspired her, so to say it is Americanised is not entirely true. It looks more like an English word, than an American word.

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Other spellings Kaleigh, Kayli

They have the same pronunciation, are of Irish or Scottish origin and mean beautiful.

This name is also a variation of Kelilah
Of Hebrew and Arabic origin, with the same meaning of beautiful.

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My name is Kaylee and from research I have learned that Kaylee means 'Beloved' in Arabic, 'Pure' and 'Keeper of the keys' in English, 'Like God' in Hebrew, and 'slender' or 'pasture' in Jamaican. There are so many meanings.

― Anonymous User9/7/2012

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The name Kaylee, or any variations of Kaylee, means celebration. The name is from the Gaelic Ceilidh which is a social gathering.

― tink4/29/2005

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What Does the Name Kaylee Stand for

Source: https://www.behindthename.com/name/kaylee/comments/history

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